Thursday 21 May 2015

A travel ride – whether it’s land, airplane, or marine – can be one of the best experiences. However, if the ride is uncomfortable, it could turn out into an unpleasant one. Take for instance, the seats are dysfunctional, or the air condition system is poor. Arriving to your destination, you would already be worn out and stressed from the inconvenient ride. The same goes out for your mail and package. Would you ever want to send valuable documents, photographs, small fragile gifts on just an ordinary brown envelopes? Valuable items require valuable carriers, so why settle for the substandard when you can have an excellent vessel for your package?
Thank the innovative mind behind padded envelopes. From the name itself, “padded envelopes”, these are simply envelopes that are padded. You can distinguish one from the other because padded envelopes are more bulky compared to regular non-padded ones. The front and back sides are layered with two types or protective padding, usually with recycled fiber or plastic bubble wrap which gives extra protection for the item you would want to send. This kind of envelope is perfect for posting items that are relatively flat such as photographs, CD or DVD cases, promotional material, small books and brochures, small gifts and important documents. Padded envelopes cushion these items to get damaged from bending or from water.
Due to the necessity of such protective mail containers, Armagrip Industrial Supplies, a leading industry for package safety and protection, came up with a wide range of highly efficient and excellent padded envelopes. These are best known as Envosafe Poly bubble-lined mailers. But these are not the ordinary padded envelopes you envision. Armagrip’s padded envelopes are made of lightweight yet tough bubble cushion from a type of plastic called polythene, offering superior puncture and tear resistance.It’s like giving your packages a first-class ride to its destination! These are available in all sizes up to 44 x 76 cm, and they come in a box of 200 pieces to 50 pieces depending on the size of your choice. What’s more is that aside from it being strong and superlight, Envosafe envelopes are highly durable which means it is completely recyclable! Now you can be assured that you are investing on earth-friendly products!
For further information regarding our Envosafe Poly, you may visit our website at for specific details on sizes and prices. If you need assistance on your parcel needs, you may call us at 0800-0151-679 or visit our store to see our other packaging products. You may also download our brochure for free by simply creating an account at our website.
Because here at Armagrip Industrial Supplies, we put premium security and protection to your parcels.